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This is a guide for enclone developers, both inside and outside 10x Genomics.

There is no reason to read this, unless you want to experimentally modify enclone, or are curious. We distribute pre-built binaries for enclone, and that's all you need if you just want to run the existing code.

The enclone components

enclone has the following software and data components:

Software architecture

enclone is written in Rust.

We used Rust because the language makes it extremely easy to use Rust code written by other people, because Rust has its own build system, and because it is fast and safe.


enclone can be built and run on an x86-64 Linux server or a Mac. It can also be built under Windows, but we do not provide instructions for this.

The following software are needed to build and test enclone:

Building enclone

  1. Follow the installation instructions on the main page to install enclone, using the large option. Doing this downloads data, which you will want for experimentation and testing. If you are developing the code, then the downloaded enclone binary is superfluous, but you do need to follow the download process to get test data, unless you are at 10x Genomics. In that case the data will be accessible to you in a shared location.
  2. If you are using a Mac, you may need to install the xcode tools. The standard way to do this is to type xcode-select --install, however this can be very slow. An alternative method is to get the package from the Apple developer site at https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=xcode. Downloading and installing from there still takes some time, but at a minimum, it is more transparent in what it's doing.
  3. There are a couple of minor prerequisites. If you're using homebrew, you can install these as follows:
    brew install graphviz
    brew install samtools
  4. Go to a directory where you want to put the enclone code, and clone the enclone repository using
    git clone git@github.com:10XGenomics/enclone.git
    If you have a very slow internet connection, you might wish to download only the current version (and not the history) using
    git clone --depth=1 git@github.com:10XGenomics/enclone.git
  5. Type cd enclone and then ./build. Depending on your computer, this will take roughly 5-10 minutes. Subsequent invocations (after code changes) will be much faster. You can also run cargo b, which is faster, but omits some steps. Please let us know if you encounter difficulties with compilation.
  6. Add the full path of enclone/target/debug to your PATH, and make sure this comes before ~/bin, which was where the precompiled version of enclone was downloaded by the install command. You may need to close and reopen your terminal window to get the change to PATH to take effect.
  7. Now when you type enclone, you'll get the version you just compiled.

Testing enclone

enclone has an extensive test suite, with three components as described here:

# command content minutes: large Linux server minutes: Mac CI coverage minutes: CI
1 ./test hundreds of small tests 2 7 partial, but runs on both Linux and Mac (running all tests on Mac is overkill) 60
2 enclone.test one big test 2.5 N/A full

To varying degrees, the tests can either be run from the command line or through a CI which is triggered by pull requests. The CI runs via GitHub Actions and Jenkins. Because it is so slow we tend not to use it. The GitHub Actions part of the CI test is given by .github/workflows/test.yaml. We strongly encourage that when tests are added to the CI, they are also added to test 1, as otherwise we force people to use the CI to test code changes.

Notes on test 1.

Notes on test 2. See the file enclone/enclone.test.

Notes on test 3.

There are miscellaneous gnarly issues that we do not have automated testing for:

There are some other major things that are not tested:
  • Compilation of enclone under Windows.
  • Functionality of hdf5 under Windows (which was previously broken).

What could go wrong?

If the code crashes, you should get a clean traceback. If this happens on the distributed version of enclone or the master version, that's a bug that should be reported.

If you run out of disk space while building, you may get weird error messages from the linker, in which case you should fix your disk space problem. You might also need to cargo clean.

Somewhat rarely, you'll get weird error messages from the linker, with no apparent reason. If this happens, cargo clean should fix the problem.

Editing the enclone web site

This is done by editing the files in the subdirectory pages, and never by editing .html files directly. All the .html files are auto-generated.

There is a script ./local_view that copies the site to your public_html directory so that it can be previewed.

Releasing enclone

enclone binaries for OSX and Linux can be released by β€œpushing a button”. This only works at 10x Genomics.

First, if the release warrants announcement, edit pages/history.html.src to note the relevant changes. Running build will then update the actual file that goes on the site.

Run the enclone test suite.

From master on enclone, from a Linux server, type

This takes about five minutes. It causes GitHub Actions to initiate creation of release binaries. That takes about thirty-five minutes. When start_release finishes, it launches release_nanny in the background, which at the appropriate time runs some final steps.

Cross building for Windows on a Mac

In principle the following should work:

rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
cargo b --target=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
but when we tested this, we got errors. This should be resolvable but we're not sure how. Also note that this will clobber the results of an ordinary cargo b. In principle this can be avoided by specifying the target for it too.